

2017 DLA – Hungarian Academie of Fine Art Doctoral School – doctoral level

1995-1996 Rijksakademie van Beeldende Kunsten, Amsterdam – posztgradual level

(tutors: Denys Zacharopoulos, Hermann. Pitz, Matt Mullican, Richard Deacon, 

Jean-Marc Bustamante, Dan Graham)

1982-1986 University of Szeged, Szeged (MA)

1976-1980 Secondary School of Fine Art, Budapest (Hungary)

Solo shows:

2024 'HYPE and KÓMA', Libella Café, Budapest

2022 'Képtelenség / Impossible' – ArtMill, Szentendre (Hungary)

2021 NIAS Conference, Amsterdam (the Netherlands)

2020 'Cytokine Storm' – Horizont Gallery, Budapest (Hungary)

2019 'Relationen' - Jahresthemas 2019 "Kunst & Wissenschaft" am Schafhof – Europäisches Künstlerhaus Oberbayern, Freising, (Germany)

2018 'Dense' – Janco Dada Museum, Ein Hod (Israel)

2018 Parthenon-Frieze Hall, Budapest (Hungary)

2018 'Activ-Reactiv' - Sesztina Gallery, Debrecen (Hungary)

2018 'No Power for Me' - Hidegszoba Studio. Budapest

2016 'DLA-diploma-exhibition', Labor, Budapest

2015 'Competency' – project in the frame of the OFF-Biennale Budapest

2010 Studio of Young Artists Gallery, Budapest

2009 Vajda Lajos Studio Gallery, Szentendre, (Hungary)

2008 B5 Studio - Marosvásárhely

2008 'Addicted and Free' - Chinese Character Contemporary Art Space, Budapest

2006 'Stepdoor' - 2B Gallery, Budapest (with Eike and Endre Koronczi)

2006 Szentendrei Képtár, Szentendre

2004 Nomad, Budapest, Budapest Gallery

2001 'Infantilism' -, Institute Francais, Budapest

2000 Zoo Gallery, Nantes (France)

2000 Institut of Contemporary Art, Dunaújváros (Hungary)

2000        U.F.F. Gallery, Budapest

1998 Centre d’Art Comtemporain - Domaine de Kerguéhennec (France)

1997 Társaskör Gallery, Budapest

1997 Europeer Foundation, Leiden (the Netherlands)

1996 Open Atelier '96 - Rijksakademie van Beeldende Kunsten Amsterdam (the Netherlands)

1995 Open Atelier '95 - Rijksakademie van Beeldende Kunsten, Amsterdam (the Netherlands)

1995 Studio of Young Artists Gallery, Budapest

1994 Vajda Lajos Studio Gallery, Szentendre

1993 Young Artists Club, Budapest

1992 Zoo Gallery, Nantes (France)

Group shows (selected):

2024 'Waldsee 1944', 2B Gallery, Budapest

2024 'Dormancy settings', Longtermhandstand, Budapest 

2023 'Patron 2023', - Studio of Young Artists Gallery, Budapest

2023 'The 90s', acb Plus, acb Gallery, Budapest 

2023 'TechnoCool'. Trends in Hungarian Art in the Nineties (1989–2001) / Hungarian National Gallery, Budapest 

2023 LOKART Festival - Pécs (Hungary)

2022 'FÉL1ooMÉLY ÉV 1 PINCEMŰHELYBEN' - 50 éves a Vajda Lajos Stúdió -  Gallery of Vajda Lajos Studio, Szentendre

2022 'Peron' - Gallery of Vajda Lajos Studio, Szentendre 

2021 'Having No Common Past, Let's Have A Common Future' - Studio of Young Artists Gallery, Budapest (curator: Anna Zsoldos)

2021 'The metaphysics of walking around' - Gallery of Vajda Lajos Studio, Szentendre

2019 'Endless Passage' - Art Colony of Tolcsva – ArtMill, Szentendre (curator: Fruzsina Kígyós)

2019 'Public Private Affairs' - the Art of the 90's in Hungarian Privat Collections – ArtMill, Szentendre 

2019 'Present‘ - Budapest Gallery, Budapest

2018 'One Book, Thirty Artists' – Erdesz Gallery, Szentendre

2017 'netWorks' – UAP Art Gallery/ Kultúrpalota, Marosvásárhely

2017 'netWorks' – Magma, Sepsiszentgyörgy

2018 'Expedíció' - Vajda Lajos Studió, Szentendre

2016 'Up Memory Lane' - RAM Gallery Berry Koedam – Rotterdam (the Netherlands)

2015 'Rearranged Reality - DADA and Surrealism' - selection from the Israel Museum of Jerusalem - Hungarian National Gallery

2014 Fétis-tabu-ereklye - Vajda Lajos Studio, Szentendre

2014 '...little irritation' - MAMÜ Gallery, Budapest

2013 'Conceptual Art in Hungary from the beginning of 90s' - Paksi Képtár, Hungary (curator: Erzsébet Tatai)

2012 Lamb outside - Wolf inside'- Magma. Sepsiszentgyörgy-Sfintu Gheorghe, Romania

2012-3 Quadric Equations - Kepes Institute, Eger, Hungary - (curator: Attila Szabó)

2011 'Nyaraló Művek' - 360, Siófok, Hungary

2011 'Chair' - Budapest Gallery, Budapest

2011 'New York- Rio-Tokyo' - Inda Gallery (curator: Brigitta Muladi)

2010 'Idegen testek/Foreign Bodies' - 2B Galéria, Budapest (curator: Nanette Winson)

2010 'Powera' - Szentendre

2010 'Kunstunternehmen' - Schlosspark - Karlsruhe (Germany) - 2010 (curators: Bernadett Hörder and Ulrike Israel )

2010 Kinetica Artfair'10 - London

2010 Small is beautiful - acb Gallery - 2010 (curator: Gyula Várnai)

2009 Art Fair 07 (Vintage Gallery) Műcsarnok

2009 Low Tech - Videospace Galéria, Budapest (curator: Eike Berg)

2009 Blokkolt folyósítás' - acb Galéria, Budapest

2008 Az Idő legújabb cáfolata – Kortárs magyar alkotások az Irokéz Gyűjteményből,1988-2008 

- Magyar Nemzeti Galéria

2007 REHAB - Labor - Budapest – 2008 (curator: Maya and Rubin Fowkes)

2007 REHAB - Galerija Balen - Slavonski Brod (Croatia) - 2007 (curator: Maya and Rubin Fowkes)

2007 Black Eggs - Inda Gallery, Budapest (curator: Brigitta Muladi)

2007 Art Fair 07 (Vintage Gallery) Műcsarnok

2007 1/4-ed Hungarian – Contemporary Art Space, Dunaújváros (curator: Bea Hock and Franciska Zólyom)

2006 Túl korai még vagy már túl késő - Vajda Lajos Studio, Szentendre

2006 Code – Malom, Szentendre

2006 Küszöb – 2B Galéria - Budapest (curator: Eike Berg)

2004 Lost & found - Dordrecht (The Netherlands, curator: Zsolt Petrányi)

2004 Around Us - RAM Gallery, Rotterdam (The Netherlands)

2003 Camping ‘03 - Limoges (France)

2002 VLS - Műcsarnok/Kunsthalle - Budapest

2002 Biennale Contemporaine - Eragny-Sur Oise, Paris (France)

2001 'Csomópont' - Videospace- metro, Budapest

2001 'Compatibility' - Zoo Galerie, Nantes (France)

2001 'Krém' - MEO, Budapest (curator: Barnabás Bencsik)

2000 T-dugó - De Fabriek, Eindhoven (the Netherlands)

2000 Festival du Vent - Calvi, Calvi-Corsica (France)

2000 Mozgásigény - Trafo, Budapest - 2000 (curator: Barnabás Bencsik)

1999 Baggage - Hungarian Consulate - New York (USA)

1997 Rejtőzködő - Ernst Museum, Budapest (curator: Zsolt Petrányi)

1996 Open Atelier '96 - Rijksakademie van Beeldende Kunsten Amsterdam (The Netherlands)

1995 Open Atelier '95 - Rijksakademie van Beeldende Kunsten Amsterdam (The Netherlands)

1994 Jeune Peinture '94 - Eiffel Branley, Paris (France)

1994 2.999. Hungarian Epigon exhibition - Tűzoltó street, Budapest

1993 Studio'93, Budapest Gallery

1993 2nd Hungarian Epigon Exhibition - Galeria KX, Hamburg (Germany)

1992 Spectrum - Tűzoltó street, Budapest (curator: TNPU)

1992 Jeune Peinture '92 - Grand Palais, Paris (France)

1989 Trans-Europa Halles Festival - Werkstetten und Kulturhaus, Viena (Austria)

Artist in residency:

Trans-Europa Halles Festival - Wärkstetten und Kulturhaus, Wien (Austria) - 1989

Zoo Gallery - Nantes (France) – 1992

Centre D’Art Contemporain - Domaine de Kerguéhennec (France) – 1997-1998

Paks (Hungary) – 2013

Cité Internationale des Arts – Paris (France) - 2000

De Fabriek, Eindhoven (the Netherlands) - 2000

'Kunstunternehmen' – Karlsruhe (Germany) - 2009

AIR Krems - (Austria) 2016

Ein Hod (Israel) 2018


Centre D'Art Contemporain - Domaine de Kerguéhennec (France)

Ferenczi Múzeum - Szentendre (Hungary)

Skanzen, Szentendre

Irokez Collection – Szombathely-Budapest (Hungary)

Hungarian National Gallery – Budapest

ArtEast Fundation Collection, Marosvásárhely-Targu Mures (Romania)

Rosenberg Collection Nové Zámky-Érsekújvár (Slovakia)

Contemporary Hungarian Gallery - Dunajska Streda-Dunaszerdahely (Slovakia)

Janco Dada Museum, Ein Hod (Israel)