XXL - big size works

Competency - Riot, 2015 - OffBiennale, Budapest 

wheelchairs, pipes, pneumatic system - mobile, 450 x 450 x 120 cm

"......The contextualized artifact could be understood as a subtle reference to the social and mental conditions in the country. Meanwhile, Rudolf Pacsika's installation in the inner courtyard of a downtown building consisted of a system of discarded wheelchairs arranged in a circle, facing inwards, that functioned with the help of an invisible, artificial "iron lung", a pneumatic system. The title Riot communicates the exact opposite of what is happening and invokes a mentally and physically challenged, paralyzed society unable to rid itself of its heavy burdens – for the wheelchairs are bound together and even their limited movement is controlled. At the same time, the objects recall the pain and suffering of people, as well as the miserable the people's miserable quality of life and the declining standards of the country's healthcare system."

Edit András: "They are so very different from us "Who is the stranger, who is the Other in Hungary's (art)scene?

First published in Springerin, Vienna - 3/2015 


Aneatical Structure - 2003

deckchairs 450 x 450 x 70 cm

Arch - AiWeeeei! 2009

Boltív -Ajvéééé! - 2009

Te bicycles are self-supporting due to the geometry of the arch.!

A kerékpárok (bolt-)ívét és statikáját azok alakja és önsólya tartja össze.

Damm - Working By Electricity, 1989,  Vienna

plastic, wood, pump, water

Trans Europe Halles Festival, Vienna Austria
